National Park: The Blue Mountains

The group took a whole day trip to visit the Blue Mountains National Park. Law protects national parks in Australia; in NSW the government has created more than 1.4 million hectares of new national parks and reserves since 1995.

Figure 1: The Blue Mountains
Figure 2: Exploring cliffs and the forest
The Blue Mountains are renowned throughout the world for their vistas of sandstone cliffs shrouded in early morning mist, their cascading waterfalls, and their densely wooded blue-green valleys and mountain rainforests.

While visiting the natural attractions, students in each group studied different topics:

  • Management of national parks-lessons for Hong Kong
  • Use of national parks for education
  • Nature conservation in the Blue Mountains
  • Uniqueness of the Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves as Recreation Resources
Some scenic spots were also visited during the study:
1. The Three Sisters
Figure 3: The Three Sisters
Figure 4: Monument of The Three Sisters
2. Jenolan Caves
Jenolan Caves are without question Australia's most impressive limestone caves. There are nine show caves opened to the public with spectacular lighting, underground rivers and cave formations are major attractions.
Figure 5: Inside Jenolan Caves
Figure 6: Students Take Photo with Staff after the Visit to Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves




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