Urban Design for Liveability

The four groups investigated different public utilities and facilities:

Urban Parks
Sydney boasts of having a hierarchy of large and small urban parks within and nearby the city centre. Students made observations and highlighted those design and management measures that enhance urban liveability, or from which Hong Kong can learn.
Figure 1: Maintenance Workman in Hyde Park Figure 2: The Domain Park
Public Places, Squares and Museums

In the early 1900s, a report was produced by the Royal Commission on the need to develop and beautify Sydney. It was accepted that aesthetic improvements were fundamental to the dignity and future prosperity of Sydney. Sydney's network of public places, squares and museum provides not only outdoor seating areas for the urban dwellers and office workers but also enriches their cultural life.

Figure 3: Australia National Marine Museum
Convention and Exhibition Center
Sydney has a Convention and Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour. Students walked through Darling Harbour and investigated the functions of the Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Figure 4: Art Galley of New South Wales
The Pedestrian Environment
In recent years, the concept of urban design has changed, and many features have been incorporated to create an environment for pedestrians. Students identified those features that help create a congenial environment for pedestrians and move them around in a people-friendly manner.
Figure 5: Pedestrian on Bridge with Monorail




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